Planner - presentation materials
The proposal you will be evaluating is a request for approval by the Planning Commission of a new ‘site plan’ to construct an office building in the Light Industrial (LI) zone. Office uses are a permitted use in the LI zone. The report and presentation shall be based on the requirements and information provided below.
- Present a PowerPoint presentation and written staff report for up to eight individuals.
o Presentation should be no longer than 10 minutes.
o Staff report should be no longer than two pages of written findings, codes, or informational material. Additional pages for photos, diagrams, etc. is acceptable.
o A computer with Microsoft Office and projector will be available for your use. You can bring your PowerPoint presentation on a flash drive, CD, or bring your own lap top to connect to the projector.
o Not all provided information may be relevant or necessary to include in the presentation and/or written staff report. Click on the links below for application materials, code sections, etc.
Application description from applicant
Applicable Lindon City Code sections
Site Map
Site Plan pg 1, Site Plan pg 2, Site Plan pg 3, Site Plan pg 4
Photos: 1030 West, 400 North, Color / Arch style sample
Building elevations