I am a compassionate listener, a relationship cultivator, a bridge builder, a citizen advocator, and a common-sense problem solver who loves Lindon and wants to see our little bit of country thrive for generations to come.
Deep Roots - My six children will be the 7th generation of my family to call Lindon home. Love and loyalty for this place, its people, and its culture are in my DNA. I want to preserve what's great about our community.
Fresh Perspective - I will also bring new ideas. I have master’s and PhD in social work. I have lived in Massachusetts, New York City, and St. Louis. As a BYU professor, I teach graduate students, conduct research, and provide mental health services. I am excited to import ideas that fit Lindon and will help us achieve our goals.
My Commitments:
I will be accessible - I want to know what you need. Call, text, email, or stop me in the community. I will also seek your input.
I will be responsive - You deserve to feel heard and understood.
I will be transparent - I will share what I know, how I vote, and why I vote that way.
My wife Julie and I have lived in Lindon for almost all our lives and have enjoyed raising our children in this wonderful city we call home. We are the proud parents of 6 children and have 18 grandchildren.
I had the great opportunity to serve on the Lindon City Council from 2010 to 2014. I love Lindon and would like the opportunity to serve again and help to continue the great legacy here.
I am running for a seat on the City Council because I have loved living in Lindon and raising my family here. My wife, Heather, and I have 6 children and 5 grandchildren. Our family has lived in Lindon for 26 years and we have enjoyed the climate and culture that is so unique to our city.
I retired 2 years ago after 35 years serving in public education, most recently as the principal of Pleasant Grove High School. I taught math and coached baseball at Orem High School for 5 years before embarking on a 30 year career as a secondary school administrator.
After I retired, I was approached by Mayor Carolyn Lundberg and Council Member Randi Powell to help establish the Lindon Youth Council, which is an opportunity for high school aged Lindon residents to experience city leadership and management in an observatory and participatory setting. As an advisor, I have had the opportunity to meet the incredibly talented and hardworking people who serve as mayor and council members and in the various departments in the city, including city management, community planning and development, public safety, public works, parks and recreation, and emergency management.
Combining this experience with my three decades of school leadership in various communities throughout Northern Utah County, I would bring a complete set of knowledge, skills and dispositions to the council. I have managed large groups of diverse individuals, large budgets and many community activities. I am a good listener and have used my experience to help resolve many complex problems. I would love the opportunity to apply myself to whatever problems, concerns and opportunities that will face Lindon City in the coming years.
801 360-6000
I’ve been happy to call Lindon home for 32 years. When my wife and I moved here we thought it would be for a short season in a starter home. Once we experienced the community feel of Lindon, we decided we would call Lindon home as long as we could.
Two years ago, I began attending all the city council meetings in hopes of finding a way to give back. Over these 2 years I have learned how our city functions, what it is doing well, and the concerns of our residents. The dedication of our elected officials and city employees has been inspiring.
I was invited and had the privilege of working on the Lindon City General Plan committee. As we reached out, we learned that our motto, “a little bit of country” is something our residents continue to appreciate and want to maintain. In light of that, a few areas on which I feel we should focus are:
Balanced Housing Density
State mandates require us to offer affordable housing. There are ways to create attractive pockets of affordable housing and still maintain a significant majority of larger lots and open spaces. We can reflect our motto, “a little bit of country”.
Promote Lindon Businesses
Lindon is very strong financially in large part due to revenue from local business sales tax. The 700 N corridor coming from the PG exit provides a great opportunity to add additional businesses and gathering spaces which can add to our community feel.
Law Enforcement
A community feel can only be experienced if it is a safe place. It is important to express appreciation to our law enforcement officers and make sure they have what they need to continue making Lindon a great place to raise our families.
It would be an honor to serve on the Lindon City Council. I am committed to work hard and do my best to preserve the legacy that our residents have come to love.
Please note: Candidate names are listed per the 2022-2023 Master Ballot Position List. (State Code 20A-6-305).