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Business Licensing


Marcie Allphin
Community Development Clerk
(801) 785-7687

Shelly Church
Community Development Clerk
(801) 785-7687

Lindon City Business License Fee Study Analysis
Link to Fee Study
Current and Proposed Fee Comparison




Click Here for FAQs

Who must obtain a Lindon City Business License?  Lindon City Municipal Code Title 5.04.050 states, "It is unlawful for any person to transact and carry on any business, trade, profession, calling or occupation in the city without first having procured a license from the city to do so..." A separate license must be obtained for each business name operating at the same address, and each branch or satellite location of a business within Lindon City boundaries.

What paperwork do I need to have for Lindon City? Applications and other forms are available on this page. To apply for a business license, please select the above link. Please fill out your application carefully and completely. Your application will be checked for applicable zoning requirements. If your business requires a conditional use permit, you will be notified by the Planning and Zoning Department. The application fee for a business license is $40.00.
Many of the required items for a license can be found at the One Stop Registration site.

  • If your business is a Service Oriented Business, you will need a Utah State Entity number, and either a Social Security Number (for a Sole Proprietorship with no employees), or a Federal Employer Identification Number from the IRS (for any business with employees). You can contact the IRS at 1-800-829-3676, or you can apply online for a Federal Employer Identification Number. THIS NUMBER MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE YOUR APPLICATION CAN BE PROCESSED.
  • If your business is a Retail Sales Business you will need a State of Utah Entity number and a State of Utah Sales Tax Number, which can be obtained from the State Tax Commission Office. The State Tax Commission office is located at 150 East Center, Suite 1300, Provo. Alternatively, call 801-374-7070 or visit the Commission websiteTHIS NUMBER MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE YOUR APPLICATION CAN BE PROCESSED.
  • The State of Utah requires that all businesses be registered with the Department of Commerce. Registration depends on the type of business structure, whether sole proprietor, corporation, trust, etc. Proof of filing (i.e. file or entity #) will be required with your Lindon City Business Application. For more information, visit the Department of Commerce's website. THIS NUMBER MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE YOUR APPLICATION CAN BE PROCESSED.
  • If your business is a Home Occupation, you will need to complete the Home Occupation Application and return it with your Lindon City Business License Application. This is a one-time application fee of $40.00 for any business operating from a home. Please read the requirements for a Home Occupation in the Lindon City Code Title 17.04.400.
  • All Commercial Business, and any Home Occupation that is a manufacturing business, and/or will have clients, customers, children or employees on the premises at any time, and/or storage of any flammable or hazardous materials, is required to have an annual fire inspection. To schedule a fire inspection, call Brandon Byers at the Orem Fire Department at 801-229-7326.  
  • In addition to the above, all child care, group home, health care and food service businesses are required to obtain a Utah County Health Department inspection and attach a copy of the results to your Lindon City Business License Application. Call 801-374-7812 to schedule an inspection. For more information, visit the Health Department site. 
  • All child care businesses that care for more than six children in the home are required by the State of Utah to obtain a Child Care License or Certificate. Check with the local representative of the State Health Department at 801-374-7812 for the qualifications or check out the requirements on their website. A copy of your Child Care License must be attached to your business license application.
  • Finally, a Industrial Waste and Pre-treatment Questionnaire is required for the following commercial and industrial businesses:
    • Animal facilities
    • Automotive facilities (car lots, repair shops, boat shops, tire shops, heavy machinery repair shops, detail shops, car washes)
    • Beverage shops (coffee, smoothie, and soda shops)
    • Care facilities (daycare, rest homes, hospitals, assisted living, etc.)
    • Dental facilities
    • Food Process (restaurants, convenience stores, catering, food manufacturing plants)
    • Manufacturing plants (pharmaceuticals, oils, equipment, machinery, etc.)
    • Metal finishers (powder coaters, galvanizing, casting, etc.)
    • Schools
    • Waste haulers (garbage collection)
  • It takes approximately two weeks for your license to be issued assuming your place of business passes any required inspections, the application was properly completed, and the business does not require a conditional use permit.

When are the business license fees due? How much does it cost? Business license fees are due on or before the first day operations commence and are past due 10 days thereafter. All new businesses are assessed the minimum license fee for the first year of operations. Thereafter, license fees are assessed according to the type of business. Renewals are due and payable on or before January 1st of each year. Any past due license fees are subject to a penalty of ten percent per month, and thereafter, interest is added at the rate of 1½ % per month. All renewals are done online. You will be contacted by email through Civic Review.

The purpose of a Lindon City Business License is:
To regulate and license businesses within the corporate limits of Lindon City.
To determine if businesses are operating within applicable laws and ordinances.
To maintain a safe environment for the general public through inspections.
To enforce zoning, building and fire codes.
To maintain a list of currently licensed businesses for public access.
To provide revenues used for City services such as fire and police protection.
To ensure that Lindon City collects its portion of sales tax revenues from the Utah State Tax Commission.