Report ALL Illegal Discharges

If you see anyone illegally dumping or discharging chemicals, oil, paint or other pollutants in gutters or storm drains, report it immediately!
To report illegal stormwater discharges (or other stormwater concerns such as storm water drain backups, dumping into the stormwater system, etc.) do the following:

If you see anyone illegally dumping or discharging chemicals, oil, paint or other pollutants in gutters or storm drains, report it immediately!
To report illegal stormwater discharges (or other stormwater concerns such as storm water drain backups, dumping into the stormwater system, etc.) do the following:
- If during normal operating hours (M-F, 7:00AM - 3:30PM) contact Lindon City Public Works Department, 801-796-7954.
- After hours, contact the Lindon Police Department, 801-229-7070.
- You may also send an email at any time to (Please put "Storm Drain Discharge" in the subject line and provide as much information in the body of the email as possible regarding your concerns. Include pictures, if possible.)