Kathy McChesney
Kathy is a crossing guard for students at Lindon Elementary. She has helped get your children to school safely for five years, reporting to the crosswalk twice a day.
Kathy's favorite memories include one father who asked her to keep an eye on his daughter, as her mom was in the hospital with a serious medical condition. Kathy took this request from dad seriously, and watched after the little girl during her mother's illness.
When new kindergarten students start school, Kathy enjoys teaching them traffic safety rules as they start their years at Lindon Elementary.
Kathy loves to see older students who have gone on to Junior High waiving and saying hello as they drive past on their way to their own school. She says the kids she's lucky enough to work with are fun and respectful, and this is a great community!!
Officer John Lloyd has observed the affection the kids at the school have for Kathy. She knows them by name and feels connected to each of the students she serves.
Kathy would like to ask drivers to SLOW DOWN and drive safely in school zones. This includes not making U-turns near the crosswalk after dropping your students off. Her final thought was for parents to consider how they would drive if their own child was crossing the road, and to show the same care when other's children are in the crosswalk.
Lindon thanks Kathy for her years of dedicated service to our children!!
Kathy's favorite memories include one father who asked her to keep an eye on his daughter, as her mom was in the hospital with a serious medical condition. Kathy took this request from dad seriously, and watched after the little girl during her mother's illness.
When new kindergarten students start school, Kathy enjoys teaching them traffic safety rules as they start their years at Lindon Elementary.
Kathy loves to see older students who have gone on to Junior High waiving and saying hello as they drive past on their way to their own school. She says the kids she's lucky enough to work with are fun and respectful, and this is a great community!!
Officer John Lloyd has observed the affection the kids at the school have for Kathy. She knows them by name and feels connected to each of the students she serves.
Kathy would like to ask drivers to SLOW DOWN and drive safely in school zones. This includes not making U-turns near the crosswalk after dropping your students off. Her final thought was for parents to consider how they would drive if their own child was crossing the road, and to show the same care when other's children are in the crosswalk.
Lindon thanks Kathy for her years of dedicated service to our children!!