Lindon City Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan

Adopted Lindon City Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
On July 7, 2015, the Lindon City Council passed a Resolution to adopt the Lindon City Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. The document is a guidebook on how to encourage increased biking and walking within the City. Please click the link above for the full plan.
Spring 2014 Lindon Bike/Ped Survey Results
Thank you to all who responded to the bike and pedestrian survey – we had 491 responses!
What we heard from you was:
- Exercise and fitness were the most common reasons you walk or bike
- Your favorite places to walk or bike are the Murdock Canal Trail and the Lindon Heritage Trail
- You’d like to walk to recreation, multi-use paths, and community facilities
- You’d like to bike to recreation, multi-use paths, community facilities, and work
- You most prefer off-street multi-use paths, cycle tracks, and buffered bike lanes
- The most difficult places to walk and bike have a lack of sidewalks/bike lanes and high traffic volumes and speeds
The project team has reviewed your comments and is underway in creating a bike and pedestrian network for Lindon.
How You Can Help
- Get out there and ride!
- Provide feedback to City Staff and Officials about where bike and pedestrian improvements are most needed.
Bike Safety Tips
- Wear a Properly Fitted Bicycle Helmet. This requires that helmets have the proper size, position, and strap location/adjustment.
- Check Your Equipment. Before riding, inflate tires, ensure proper bicycle fit, and check that your brakes are in good working order.
- Control Your Bicycle. Always ride with at least one hand on the handlebars.
- Watch for and Avoid Road Hazards. Be on the lookout for hazards such as potholes, broken glass, gravel, puddles, leaves, and dogs. All these hazards can cause a crash. If you are riding with friends and you are in the lead, yell out and point to the hazard to alert the riders behind you.
- Use Caution When Riding at Night. It is far more dangerous to ride at night than during the day because you are harder for others to see. When riding at night, wear something that makes you more easily seen by others. Make sure you have reflectors on the front and rear of your bicycle, in addition to reflectors on your tires. Ideally, your bike should be outfitted with white lights on the front and red rear light/reflectors.
Rules of the Road – Bicycling on the Road
- Go With the Traffic Flow. Ride on the right in the same direction as other vehicles. Go with the flow – not against it.
- Obey All Traffic Laws. A bicycle is a vehicle and you’re a driver. When you ride in the street, obey all traffic signs, signals, and lane markings.
- Be Predictable. Ride in a straight line, not in and out of cars. Signal your moves to others.
- Stay Alert at All Times. Watch out for potholes, cracks, wet leaves, storm grates, railroad tracks, or anything that could make you lose control of your bike. You need your ears to hear traffic and avoid dangerous situations; don’t wear a headset when you ride.
- Look Before Turning. When turning left or right, always look behind you for a break in traffic, and then signal before making the turn. Watch for left- or right-turning traffic.
- Watch for Parked Cars. Ride far enough out from the curb to avoid the unexpected from parked cars (like doors opening, or cars pulling out).
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:
Bicycling Magazine: