Lindon Justice Court
100 North State Street - Lindon, UT 84042
(801) 785-1971
(801) 785-1971
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM *We stop taking payments at 4:45 PM
Judge Brook Sessions
Lindon City Justice Court Judge
We may be limited in answering calls during court sessions Thursdays, please leave a voice message or email us at
Judge Brook Sessions
Lindon City Justice Court Judge
We may be limited in answering calls during court sessions Thursdays, please leave a voice message or email us at
Court Links
**You will be required to fill out your Rights Forms and then be redirected to Register for your Hearing. Please register for the DATE the Clerk gave you. The link will then be emailed directly to you.**
You will use that link to log on at the TIME the clerk gave you (i.e: 9AM, 10:30AM, 11AM etc.)
→Click Here to Register for your Hearing
→Intérprete de Español (@ 11:00): Pulse aquí para registrarse
→Small Claims Cases: Click Here to Join
Attorney/Observer Link: Click Here
Disclaimer: Please note the purpose of this website is to provide legal information to the public and should not be considered legal advice. It is up to you (and your attorney) to decide on what legal course to take. The Court and Court Clerks may provide information to you, but they cannot give you any advice on what you should do. If you would like legal advice, please consult the Legal Resources link below.