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 Under the Uniform Fine/Bail Schedule, the fine for a FIRST offense of “No Proof of Insurance” or “Operating Vehicle without Insurance” is $410 (excluding delinquent or warrant fees). For the Uniform Fine/Bail Schedule, please click here.

You may be eligible to receive a credit from the judge towards your fine for obtaining insurance after the citation was issued. To receive this credit, you must present a letter from your insurance agent to the court with the following information:


  1. Letter must be on insurance agency letterhead.
  2. Current date.
  3. Name of insured.  If the name is different than the person who received the citation, the letter must include an explanation indicating that the driver had the permission of the owner and is covered under that policy.
  4. Vehicle description (must match the vehicle on the citation).
  5. The date the policy was issued and a statement that the policy is still in effect.
  6. Agent’s signature.
  7. Citation or case number.

Please be aware that payment of part or all of an insurance violation will be reported to the Utah Driver License Division which may require you to carry SR22 insurance. This is a STATE REQUIREMENT that cannot be waived by the court.



If you have received more than one citation for an insurance violation in the last 3 years, then you will be required to appear before the justice court judge. You will need to contact the court within 14 days of the citation date to schedule a court hearing.

Under the Uniform Fine/Bail Schedule, the fine for a charge of “No Proof of Insurance 2nd or Subsequent Offense within 3 years of prior offense” or “No Insurance 2nd or Subsequent Offense within 3 years of prior offense” is $1,010 (excluding delinquent or warrant fees).

You may be eligible to receive a credit from the judge towards your fine for obtaining insurance after the citation was issued. To receive this credit, you must present a letter from your insurance agent to the court with the information listed above under “First Offense.”



 An offense of “No Proof of Insurance” or “Operating Vehicle without Insurance” may be dismissed without a court hearing if you present a verification letter from your insurance agent indicating that you had valid insurance on the vehicle at the time the citation was issued. The letter from your insurance agent must include the following required information:


  1. Letter must be on insurance agency letterhead.
  2. Current date.
  3. Name of insured.  If the name of the insured person is different than the person who received the citation, the letter must include an explanation indicating that the driver had the permission of the owner to drive the car and is covered under that policy.
  4. Vehicle description (must match the vehicle on the citation).
  5. Coverage was in effect on the date and at time the citation was issued.
  6. Agent’s signature.
  7. Citation or case number.

Your insurance agent may fax the letter to (801) 785-4336 or send it through the mail.  You must call the court at (801) 785-1971 to verify that the letter was received.

Please note that this letter from your insurance agent needs to be provided to the court within 14 days of the citation date. If you cannot provide this information, then you must contact the court to schedule a court date.



Disclaimer:  Please note the purpose of this website is to provide legal information to the public and should not be considered legal advice. It is up to you (and your attorney) to decide on what legal course to take. The Court and Court Clerks may provide information to you, but they cannot give you any advice on what you should do. If you would like legal advice, please consult the Legal Resources link below.

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