Lindon City is required by State Law to publish notice of unclaimed property that has been acquired through “Found Property Cases”. The intent of this notice is to notify citizens that Lindon City has possession of property and possibly identify owners of said property. If through this process the owner isn’t located, Lindon City’s intent is to dispose of the property by returning the item to the finder of said property, apply the property to a public interest use, sell the property at a public auction and apply proceeds of the sale to a public interest use, or destroy the property if it is unfit for a public interest use or sale. The intended date of disposal will begin June 30, 2017. The following is a general description of the property to be disposed of:
Lindon City has possession of 24 bicycles, ranging from kids to adult sizes, both with single and multiply gearing systems, 1 large electric scooter, 1 massage table, 1 residential safe, 1 backpack, 1 tent, jewelry, various yard tools, hand tools, keys, cell phones, I-pads, I-pods, wallets, gaming electronics, miscellaneous clothing, computer equipment, skateboards, auger bits and Cash.
The contact for the property in question is Sgt. Josh Edwards with Lindon City PD. Sgt. Edwards can be contacted at 801-769-8600 or by e-mail at