Notice to Lindon City Utility Customers:
In compliance with Utah State Law, Lindon City is disclosing the transfer of funds from the utility enterprise funds to the general fund as part of the Fiscal Year 2018 budget (July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018) which was approved on June 20, 2017. These funds will be used in supplementing such city services as fire, police, street maintenance, administration, parks & recreation, and other city functions. Similar transfers have been made annually from the enterprise funds to the general fund in order to help maintain low property taxes in Lindon. The amounts approved to be transferred from utility enterprise funds to the general fund are as follows: Water Fund $266,787 (11.9% of fund expenditures); Sewer Fund $223,768 (7.0% of fund expenditures); Solid Waste Collection Fund $16,240 (3.7% of fund expenditures); and Storm Water Drainage Fund $108,528 (12.5% of fund expenditures).
Certificate of Posting:
I certify that the above notice was posted in three public places within the Lindon City limits. Notice also posted on State ( and City websites (
/s/ Kathryn A. Moosman, City Recorder
Date: August 15, 2017