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Flood Watch in Lindon City—Sandbags Available
(see info below)

Lindon City is preparing for possible flooding due to the amount of snow accumulation late in the season.

There is not wide-spread flooding anticipated in Lindon City. However, Lindon has experienced occasional localized flooding along and near some storm water conveyance ditches. and storm water detention basins.

There are various factors that play into the potential for flooding. The amount snow in the mountains, abrupt weather temperature changes (a prolonged cool spring temperature is desired versus a fast weather warm up from spring to summer), or fast snow melt accompanied by rain fall. Any of these combinations will result in large amounts of water coming down into the valley.

We can’t control Mother Nature,   We encourage you to be informed as to what you can do to prepare for the flooding possibility.

Sandbags are available for residents to use to help prevent property flooding as you feel needed. Lindon City has set up free self-serve, use-at-your-own-risk sandbag filling areas at Hollow Park (300 E. 400 N.) and Pheasant Brook Park (400 N. 800 W.) This service is for Lindon residents only and not for private contractors. In addition to Lindon’s preparations, Utah County Emergency Management and the State of Utah Division of Emergency Management are taking a proactive approach. Together we have over a million sandbags, infrastructure improvements are being addressed, and we are coordinating together statewide to assess risks and communicate response needs quickly. You can find more info HERE.

You can also text "runoff" to 888-777 to get text flood-related updates from Utah County.



Please review the following to be prepared, stay safe, and make decisions on behalf of yourselves and your families.

o   Inspect your rain gutters and downspouts and confirm that they are clear of snow and debris.

o   Rain falling on low-elevation valley snow can increase runoff along streets and roadways.

o   Be sure storm drains closest to your home and the area around them are clear of any debris.  Sweep your gutters in order to lessen the potential to plug downstream storm water inlet grates.

o   If you notice a storm drain inlet in Lindon has become obstructed, please text (385) 985-2588 or call 801-796-7954. For after-hours emergencies, please call (801) 229-7070.

o   Pay attention to your landscaping, making sure water drains away from your home. Where does water naturally flow? If you have water that flows toward your home,window wells, or stairs, consider making improvements as soon as possible.

o   If you have a ditch or canal on or next to your property, help keep the conveyance channel clean and keep an eye on what’s happening, especially if we have a sudden weather warming up event.

o   Watch out for surface runoff and shallow sheet flooding from snow-covered open areas of land or driveways that slope toward a home or residence.

o   Keep children and pets away from potential flood and drainage areas.

o   Stay away from fast flowing rivers and streams. Exercise extreme caution in these areas.

o   If you’re traveling in a vehicle and come upon fast flowing water, Turn Around Don’t Drown! Do not attempt to drive into flooded areas. You don’t know the condition of the road under the water.

o   Six inches of water will reach the bottom of most passenger cars. A foot of water will float many vehicles. Two feet can wash it away.

o   Get to higher ground. If floodwaters rise around your car, abandon the car and move to higher ground if you can do so safely.


FLOODS—What you should know when living in Utah.

Click on the link to find helpful facts and tips designed to increase flood awareness and make preparation easy.

You can find information such as:

  •        Six inches of moving water is enough to knock you off your feet.
  •        The number of landslides in Utah is increasing every year.
  •        As a homeowner, you are more likely to experience a flood than a fire over the span of a 30-year mortgage.
  •        … and much more, to help you better understand disasters and be prepared before they strike.


2023 Spring Flooding for Individuals and Families

KNOW flood risks. Click on the link to see if you live in a flood zone or high-risk area.

CONSIDER flood insurance. Homeowner policies don’t cover floods. You need a separate policy. These policies typically take at least 30 days to go into effect.

DOCUMENT personal property. Document personal property with photos or video. Safety store it and other valuable documents away from your home.

UTILITIES. Locate switches and valves for electricity, gas, and water, and know how to safety turn them off.


Emergency Preparation & Response for Individuals and Families

PLAN for the future. Develop a plan to respond to emergencies, challenges, and natural disasters.

ACT and practice your plan. In an emergency, activate your family emergency and communications plan. Be prepared to evacuate if needed.

  •        Know when and how to safety evacuate.
  •        Establish a meeting place in case you become separated during evacuation.
  •        Select an out-of-town contact to inform them of your safety.
  •        Prepare and maintain a 72-hour kits for each family member and an emergency kit for your vehicle.
  •        Plan for pet care. Emergency shelters may not allow them.
  •        Plan for medical and other specific personal needs.

COLLECT emergency supplies. Gather the food, clothing, first aid, and water you will need immediately and over the next few days.

COLLECT finances and documentation. Access the funds, documents, and other resources you will need.

CONNECT with and help others. Communicate with family, friends, and neighbors. Report household safety, property damage, and any needs if the Lindon City Block Captain Program is activated.


Useful Links for Flooding Awareness

Quick Video on Steps to Be Prepared

How to Get Emergency Notifications in Lindon and elsewhere in Utah County


View and Download Flood Maps



Map of flood and high flow condition

Drought Monitor

NOAA Spring Flood Outlook



We are looking forward to warmer spring weather and with snow pack totals reaching record levels, we are concerned about the snow melting too quickly and having the potential for flooding.

Lindon City has made sandbag materials available at Pheasant Brook Park and Hollow Park.

This is a free fill-it-yourself, use-at-your-own-risk service.  Please fill a few extra to help build an emergency reserve. Please Bring your own shovels

Residents can also help us by clearing debris from gutters and storm drain inlets, you can also report any issues of concern to the Public Works Department by phone (801-796-7954), text “Hi” (385-985-2588), report an issue portal:

Flood damage FYI…

Homeowners insurance doesn’t cover flood damage. A typical policy takes 30 days to go into effect.

More information at